How can QBC help with Functional Behavior
Assessments (FBA)?
QBC can assist parents and schools by conducting Functional Behavioral Assessment.
Why is a Functional Behavior Assessment necessary?
A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) must be conducted first
before any interventions are proposed and implemented in most
contexts. FBAs may be focused and/or comprehension. A FBA
will be used to develop a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP),
which will be used to specify target behaviors and agents of change.
What is included on an FBA?
• Observable Behaviors
• Measurable Behaviors
• Functions of Behaviors
• Recommendations for behavior planning
• Various assessments available
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA):
FBAs must be conducted first before any interventions are proposed and implemented in most contexts. FBAs may be focused and/or comprehensive.
Focused FBAs target behaviors of immediate concerns (such as but not limited to behaviors that may pose a safety risk to the person and/or others).
Comprehensive FBAs gather information on a variety of developmental domains (cognitive, social, verbal, self help, academics, and others) in which a part or the whole of an assessment can be administered.
A FBA will be used to develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) which will be used to specify target behaviors and agents of change.